They actually should illuminate your plants more consistently than the sun does because they always shine, even when the sun doesn’t! Light fixtures with two to four bulbs will work best and don’t necessarily need to be labeled as grow lights to be effective. If you lack sunny windows, you might want to consider growing lettuce indoors under lights instead, either fluorescent or LED fixtures with reflectors. Since lettuce plants prefer cool, but not drafty, conditions, choose a sunny spot that also is away from radiators or heater registers and from exterior doors that could admit icy winds.Ī south-facing bay window where the rays can enter from several different directions over the course of a day would be ideal. The location you choose for your lettuce garden should be brightly lit-as in sunny-for at least 6 to 8 hours per day.

STEP 1: Choose where to grow lettuce indoors.
Keep in mind that your cats might assume the greens are for them or that shallow containers full of soil have another purpose than the one you intended! For such reasons, it’s usually best to place your lettuce “houseplants” in a room shut off from your pets. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.