Right-click and select Stitch Selected Media from the menu or press CTRL + ALT + I in Windows or _ on the Mac.Ensure that the two media are touching and select them.STITCH MEDIA – used to stitch the SAME PIECE OF MEDIA so that they can be modified (e.g., selected, move, or edited) together.RIPPLE TRIM – allows a clip to be TRIMMED at the front or back of a clip without leaving a gap.RIPPLE MOVE – allows a clip to be MOVED to another place on the same or another track without moving the other clips.RIPPLE INSERT – allows a clip to be INSERTED BETWEEN other clips without creating a gap for it first.They work best if you have the magnetic track feature turned on. There is a host of other RIPPLE functions that can be done. Right-click and select Ripple Delete or press CTRL + DELETE.RIPPLE DELETE – When you perform a Ripple Delete, the two media are AUTOMATICALLY STITCHED together.Notice that you use the SHIFT key on both the Ripple Split and the Ripple Move. Drag ONE OR MORE tracks to the right of all the clips on the SAME TRACK at the SAME TIME, even to a new track.īIG TIMESAVER: Like Ripple Delete, This is a big timesaver when you have a very large timeline to contend with.

You could select all media clips and then move them all to the right. RIPPLE MOVE – Is similar to Ripple Split but you are not splitting clips-just moving them.Notice that with this technique, you are SPLITTING and MOVING media content with ONE step.

Drag CTI to the right to SPLIT and MOVE the other clips to make space for a new clip or to extend the frame.īIG TIMESAVER: Is used to insert content in the middle of a video or if you want to add an intro.With the CTI, where you want to split the unlocked clip(s), hold down the SHIFT key.RIPPLE SPLIT – is used to split all unlocked tracks and move them at the same time.Move the clip to CREATE SPACE where you need to for new content.Īny time you see the word RIPPLE, more than one track is involved in the operation.Ripple Split is useful when you want to add content to the MIDDLE of a video or if you want to add an intro at the BEGINNING of a video. NOTE: To split media on all unlocked tracks, place the CTI where you want the split to occur and then click the CTI and drag it to the right to SPLIT and MOVE all the unlocked tracks. Press the Split button or press S on Windows or CMD + T on the Mac.Place the CTI where you want the split to occur without a selection.SPLIT - is used to MOVE a clip to ADD a media to the timeline when there is no space.DELETE - is used to REPLACE a mistake by removing the selection and LEAVE A SPACE on the Timeline for a NEW CLIP, for a new recording or to allow room to extend an existing clip (See Extend Frame Below).If you make a selection and want to bring the CTI back together, double click the CTI. NOTE: A stitched line appears, showing you where the cut was made. Click Cut (the scissor icon) and move all media to the left to FILL THE SPACE of the deleted content.Drag the red or green handle on the CTI to select the area to remove.CUT - is used to REMOVE a mistake or unwanted section of a video on the timeline.You can trim multiple clips at the same time by selecting more than one clip. If you need to add more footage back, select the edge of a clip and pull out what is needed.Drag either edge of a media clip to CROP it without deleting it so that you can restore it at any time.TRIM – is used to SHOW or HIDE either end of a clip non-destructively.After selecting a portion of a clip or with the CTI at a given point: There are several basic editing techniques.